Article by Cristian Muñoz
This year's Ethics Bowl covers a number of both interesting and controversial topics where students are able to expand upon and grow into having better judgement when confronted with a case.
I have been able to discuss my opinions and ideas with my peers whilst also taking them into consideration. Ethics Bowl prevents students from taking a quick and easy point in an argument and forces them to develop stronger more realistic thesis backed up with reasoning while also taking in drawbacks that it may have. I have been able to see different moral points in an argument and connect their relevance to my argument, whilst identifying stakeholders. Ethics Bowl can allow us to see what our values are and bring light to curiosity, and help develop us as a person in society, adding more value to our voices.
I strongly encourage students in GLHS who are interested in discussing controversy in our society while honing social, intuitive and language skills.
Image by Cristian Munoz during Ethics Bowl meeting